Importance of HPV Vaccine among teenagers

What is HPV?

The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted virus. Most cervical cancers and other serious conditions like genital warts can occur due to this virus. It can be transferred through direct skin contact with an infected person and during sexual activity.


An HPV infection can lead to cancer of the cervix, vagina, vulva, penis, anus, mouth and throat. As well as warts in similar areas.


However, many people with HPV do not show any symptoms and remain unaware of the infection. Since HPV can lead to cancer or warts, a vaccine is an essential step to prevent the infection and protect people, especially young teenagers against the spread of HPV.

Prevention - HPV Gardasil Vaccine

Doctors suggest you start early with the HPV vaccination. It can be administered from age 9 to 11 through age 26.


The HPV Gardasil vaccine is most widely used and available around the UK. These vaccines can be found based on which strains of the virus they target, such as the HPV vaccine Gardasil 9 UK targets types 6, 11, 16, 18 and so on. Gardasil 9 is also approved for mouth and throat cancer prevention.


You can get vaccinated for multiple strains of the HPV virus as well as avail of HPV throat cancer Gardasil vaccine at Pearl Chemist Pharmacy.

Gardasil vaccine schedule

It is best for people to start young, especially teenagers should get vaccinated before losing their virginity or participating in sexual activities for the first time. Prevention is always better than treatment.


The HPV vaccine is usually scheduled in the following way:


Age 9–14 -  2 shots over a 6 to 12-month period.


Age 15–26 - 3 shots over a 6-month period. (People with weak immune systems also get 3 shots through all ages)

Book an appointment for the Gardasil HPV vaccine in the UK

The HPV Vaccine Gardasil 9 price depends on many factors such as health insurance. The cost is covered by most health insurance plans and is free (excluding office copays). If you don't have insurance you may also qualify for coverage through federally funded programs.


Pearl Chemist Group has an extensive chain of pharmacies and teams of medics across South London. You can book your consultation and vaccination with us at Pearl Chemist Group online, and we'll be at your service!